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MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
ISSN : 08520720     EISSN : 25023616     DOI : 10.30821
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman is a peer reviewed academic journal, established in 1976 as part of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan (see: video), dedicated to the publication of scholarly articles in various branches of Islamic Studies, by which exchanges of ideas as research findings and contemporary issues are facilitated. MIQOT is accredited as an academic journal by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia (SK Dirjen Dikti No. 040/P/2014) valid through February 2019. Miqot welcomes contributions of articles in such fields as Quranic Studies, Prophetic Traditions, Theology, Philosophy, Law and Economics, History, Education, Communication, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology.
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MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.923


Abstract: The embodiment of traditional values, which were replaced by Islamic values, is strongly tied to the application of sharia in the central Aceh regency of Bener Meriah. It is interesting to note that the application of Sharia in that region involved both anthropological and social factors. This qualitative investigation looked at the application of Sharia in Bener Meriah as a social phenomenon reflected in local residents' behaviours. Purposive sampling was used to select respondents for interviews, which served as the data gathering method. The findings showed three things. First, while the government and associated organizations continue to socialize the Sharia, it is primarily about interpreting Islamic law as a punishment for lash breakers. Second, the integration of Sharia ideals into social interactions is a goal of the establishment of Sharia. In addition to the traditional values of the Gayo culture, which have a long history, locals' awareness of Sharia also plays a vital role. Accordingly, based on the findings, the Sharia implementation is effective, especially in light of the few Sharia infractions that were discovered.Keywords: Muslim communities; Public views; Sharia implementation; Social construction
ASH’ARISM IN NUSANTARA: Reviewing Traditional Ulama's Role in Shaping Islamic Creed in Nusantara Umar Muhammad Noor
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.1070


Abstract: Since the beginning of the introduction of Islam in North-East Asia, Ash’arism has been represented Sunni theology that shaped the mainstream of Islamic belief in the region. However, during the last few years, it has been confronted serious contention from various parties. This article will examine the role played by its proponents in shaping Islamic belief and the challenges they faced to keep the tradition alive. It first briefly exposes how Ash’arism appeared and influenced theological discourse in various parts of Islamic world including Nusantara. Some prominent Nusantara ulamas and their contribution will be mentioned. Lastly, the study implies that although Ash’arism movement was challenged by a number of counterparts, it’s teachings and tenets nonetheless provide room and offer practical suggestions to keep it relevant to the current need.Abstrak: Sejak  Islam pertama kali diperkenalkan di kawasan Asia Tenggara, aliran Ash’ari telah menjadi aliran dominan yang membentuk wajah Islam di wilayah tersebut. Namun begitu, pada hari ini aliran Ash’ari menghadapi tantangan serius dari berbagai pihak yang mengancam keberadaannya. Artikel ini akan mengkaji peran yang dimainkan oleh aliran Ash’ari dalam membentuk pegangan akidah Islam dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi untuk menjaga tradisi ini terus bertahan. Pertama, penulis akan memaparkan secara ringkas bagaimana aliran Ash’ari muncul dan mempengaruhi wacana teologis di berbagai belahan dunia Islam. Kedua, penulis akan membincangkan kemasukan mazhab Asha’ri ke negeri-negeri yang berada di Nusantara. Beberapa ulama Nusantara terkemuka dan kontribusinya akan disebutkan. Ketiga, kajian ini akan menarik perhatian kepada tantangan modern yang dihadapi oleh aliran Ash’ari serta saranan praktis yang ditawarkan untuk menjaga relevansi aliran ini dengan kebutuhan akidah umat Islam pada hari ini.
ACADEMIC ETHICS IN MODERN INDONESIA: Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum’s Thought on Students’ Ethics in His Tazkîr al-Murîdîn Sulûk Tharîqah al-Muhtadîn Maisyaroh Maisyaroh; Zaini Dahlan; Mohammad Al Farabi
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.1082


Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji pemikiran Syekh Hasan Ma’sum tentang etika peserta didik. Studi ini merupakan riset pertama tentang pemikiran sang ulama dalam bidang etika akademis. Studi ini merupakan studi kepustakaan dengan pendekatan historis-biografis. Model penulisan sejarah Kuntowijoyo akan diterapkan dalam penulisan artikel ini. Studi ini memanfaatkan karya-karya Syekh Hasan Ma’sum tentang etika peserta didik. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan metode interpretasi. Studi ini mengajukan temuan bahwa etika peserta didik menurut ulama ini terdapat dalam kitabnya yang berjudul Tazkîr al-Murîdîn Sulûk Tharîqah al-Muhtadîn, dan dibagi menjadi empat jenis, yakni etika murid kepada guru, etika murid kepada murid lainnya, etika murid terhadap diri mereka sendiri, dan etika murid kepada Allah Swt. Ia juga menambah bab tentang adab murid saat berzikir. Studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pemikiran Syekh Hasan Ma’sum dipengaruhi oleh ajaran tarekat Naqsyabandiah dimana ia merupakan pengikut tarekat ini, dan juga dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran sejumlah sufi ternama seperti Imam al-Ghazâlî, al-Suhrawardî, al-Qusyairî, Ibn ‘Arabî, dan Abû Thâlib al-Makkî. Pemikiran Syekh Hasan Ma’sum juga turut melengkapi kajian tentang etika akademis dalam Islam.   Kata Kunci: etika akademik, peserta didik, tarekat, naskah Nusantara, Sumatera TimurAbstract: This article examines Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum’s thoughts on students’ ethics. The study represents the first research conducted on the ulama’s thoughts within the field of academic ethics. Employing a historical-biographical approach, this study adopts Kuntowijoyo’s historical writing model. Utilizing Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum’s works on students’ ethics as primary sources, the data is then analyzed using the interpretation method. The study reveals that this ulama’s perspective on students’ ethics is outlined in his book titled Tazkîr al-Murîdîn Sulûk Tharîqah al-Muhtadîn, which encompasses four distinct types of ethics: students’ ethics toward his teachers, friends, themselves, and his God (Allah SWT). He also added a chapter on the students’ ethics during dhikr. Furthermore, the study highlights the influence of the Naqshabandiah order, to which Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum belonged, as well as the thoughts of prominent Sufis such as Imam al-Ghazâlî, al-Suhrawardî, al-Qusyairî, Ibn ‘Arabî, and Abû Thâlib al-Makkî on his thought. Thus, Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum’s thoughts complement the existing scholarship on academic ethics in Islam.Keywords: academic ethics, students’, sufi order, Nusantara manuscripts, East Sumatra
BAYANI EPISTEMOLOGIES IN MODERN INDONESIA: The Contribution of Al Washliyah Ulama to Quranic Exegesis Studies Ja'far Ja'far; Muhammad Iqbal
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.1079


Abstrak: Studi tentang peran organisasi Islam di Indonesia dalam kajian tafsir belum banyak dilakukan para peneliti. Padahal, kajian ini menarik dilakukan mengingat pengaruh eksistensi organisasi Islam terhadap seluruh aspek kehidupan Muslim di Indonesia. Al Washliyah merupakan organisasi Islam terbesar ketiga di Indonesia yang sangat jarang diteliti para ahli, termasuk perannya dalam pelestarian dan pengembangan kajian tafsir Alquran di Indonesia. Studi ini merupakan studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah. Topik penelitian dianalisis dengan teori Max Weber tentang tindakan sosial dan dominasi kekuasaan. Studi ini mengajukan temuan bahwa Al Washliyah mengajarkan sejumlah kitab tafsir Alquran di madrasah-madrasahnya; menerbitkan artikel terkait Alquran dan tafsirnya pada majalah resminya, Medan Islam (juga Dewan Islam); dan ulama-ulamanya juga menghasilkan sejumlah karya dalam bidang Alquran dan tafsir.  Kepatuhan Al Washliyah terhadap akidah Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah (Sunni) dan mazhab fikih Syafi‘iyah juga membuat organisasi ini abai terhadap literatur tafsir dari mazhab lainnya. Studi ini berkontribusi terhadap penguatan literatur tentang kajian tafsir di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: tafsir Alquran, Al Washliyah, madrasah, majalah Islam, ulamaAbstract: The contribution of Islamic organizations in Quranic exegesis (tafsîr) in Indonesia has been largely overlooked by researchers. However, this study aims to explore this topic due to the significant influence of Islamic organizations on various aspects of Muslim life in the country. One such organization is Al Washliyah, the third largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, which has received limited attention from experts in terms of its contribution to the preservation and development of Quranic exegesis. This literature-based research adopts a historical approach, and the research topic is analyzed through Max Weber’s theories of social action and dominance of power. This study argues that Al Washliyah ulama have taught various books on Quranic exegesis in its madrasas, published articles on the Quran and its tafsir in its official magazine Medan Islam (also Dewan Islam), and its ulama have produced several works in the field of Quranic exegesis. Moreover, due to its adherence to the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah (Sunni) creed and the Shâfi‘iyah school of jurisprudence, Al Washliyah tends to disregard Quranic exegesis literature from other schools. This study, of course, contributes to the strengthening of literature on Quranic studies in modern Indonesia.Keywords: Quranic exegesis, Al Washliyah, madrasas, Islamic magazine, ulama
CONSTITUTIONALIZATION OF RELIGION IN REVIEW OF MAQÂSHID SHARΑAH: Statutory Study of Shariaism in the City of Langsa, Aceh Ikhwanuddin Harahap; Adelina Nasution
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.982


Abstract: This article aims to analyze two regulations Langsa City Qanun Number 3 of 2016 concerning the implementation of entertainment in Langsa City and Langsa Mayor’s Regulation Number 40 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Granting Permits to Organize Entertainment in Langsa City based on a sharia maqâshid review. The study of the two regulations uses Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics with the technique of constitutional distinction, appropriation into social contexts, and interpretation in the perspective of maqâshid al-sharî‘ah by al-Syatibi. The research findings show that there are still many points of existing regulations that are not in accordance with several dimensions of maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. The infiltration of sacred religion into a technical system that is profane and its interpretation by certain groups is not in accordance with maqâshid al-sharî‘ah in the dimension of religious benefit. The regulation of Shari’a causes religion to regulate private spheres such as religion and the way of dress, contrary to the dimension of maintaining common sense. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dua regulasi di Kota Langsa, Aceh, yakni Qanun Kota Langsa Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Hiburan di Kota Langsa dan Peraturan Walikota Langsa Nomor 40 Tahun 2020 tentang Pedoman Pemberian Izin Penyelenggaraan Hiburan di Kota Langsa berdasarkan tinjauan maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Kajian atas kedua regulasi itu menggunakan hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur dengan teknik distingsi konstitusi, apropriasi ke dalam konteks sosial dan interpretasi dalam perspektif maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak poin peraturan yang ada belum sesuai dengan beberapa dimensi maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Infiltrasi agama yang sakral ke dalam sebuah sistem teknis yang bersifat profan dan penafsirannya oleh kelompok tertentu, kurang sesuai dengan maqâshid al-sharî‘ah pada dimensi kemaslahatan agama. Regulasi syariatisme itu menyebabkan agama mengatur ranah privat seperti agama dan cara berpakaian, bertentangan dengan dimensi menjaga akal sehat. Keywords: shariatisme, Aceh, entertainment area, regulation, maqâshid al-sharî‘ah
MODERN ISLAMIC POETRY IN ACEH: T.M. Daud Gade's Syair Rabbani Wahid in the Perspective of Islamic Educational Psychology Said Alwi; Muhammad Iqbal; Maya Safitri
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.1024


Abstract: Due to restrictions in developing and expressing the spiritual potential through the stylistic components in the poetry, Rabbani Wahid's poetry has not been studied adequately. The objective of this study is to provide an explanation for the poetry of Rabbani Wahid's, including the linguistic style, suggestive power, imagery, and emotions. The explanation for these elements involves a psychological perspective. The poetry collection Book of Rabbani Wahid, which has 11 sub-poems designated D1 to D11, provided empirical data for the study. The investigation starts by choosing a poem and utilizing literary analysis to examine its stylistic components. Applying tools for descriptive analysis is the next stage. The research's findings reveal that poetry's suggestive power is crucial because it may shape the reader's emotions, ideas, and behavior by using suitable words and language. The use of imagery, figurative language, and appropriate word placement can deepen the reader's understanding of the poetry's content. In order to elicit aesthetic and emotional responses from readers or listeners, Rabbani Wahid's poetry employs a variety of images, linguistic idioms, and phrases with great suggestive power. The poetry also conveys significant spiritual lessons about the value of doing good deeds, love for Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, humility, and simplicity. Litotes, repetition, personification, and simile are figurative language techniques that are employed to enhance the language style and express significant spiritual themes about humbling oneself and practicing simplicity in worship.Keywords: spiritual psychology, Rabbani Wahid, poetry, stylistic approach
THE CONCEPT OF MARRIAGE FROM THE HASBI ASH-SHIDDIEQY PERSPECTIVE : An Approach Maqasidi On Verses of Polygamy and Inter-religious Marriage Tafsir An-Nuur Muhammad Syahrial Razali Ibrahim
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.1078


Abstract: The aim of this article is to elucidate modernist Islam position on the discourse of poligamy and interfaith marriage based on the work of Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy’s Tafsīr An-Nuur.  In response to the issues, he argues that the objectives of Shari`a are pivotal. The law on poligamy and interfaith marriage are both contextualised by the realisation of Shari'a objectives. Here, he views that both of poligamy and interfaith-marriage are forbidden for the first is incapable of actualisation domestic justice, while  the second is against Shari'a maqashid; hifdh al-dīn/ the protection of sound religious practices. By relying on descriptive analytic of Hasbi’s work on the tafsir, it is found that he views the domestic justice encrypted in al-Nisâ’ 3 and 129 is both physical needs and psychological actualisation, which are to some extent impossible to be achieved by poligamy. He furthers accordingly that interfaith marriage is prone to  deteriorate   Islamic principles and practices.Abstrak: Pernikahan adalah sunnatullah yang bertujuan mendapatkan ketenangan jiwa, membina keluarga dan menjaga keberlangsungan umat manusia atas nilai-nilai ketaatan kepada Allah. Atas dasar ini para ulama kemudian memberi batasan, bahkan melarang poligami dan nikah beda agama karena diyakini adanya mafsadah yang dapat mengganggu tercapainya tujuan pernikahan. Kajian ini ingin melihat pandangan Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy melalui karyanya Tafsir An-Nuur terkait larangan poligami dan kebolehan menikahi perempuan non muslim, seperti perempuan Yahudi, Nasrani, Hindu, Budha dan lainnya. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis interpretif, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy melarang poligami karena anggapan ketidakmampuan seorang suami mengimplementasikan makna adil. Menurutnya, adil dalam surah al-Nisâ’ 3 dan 129 mencakup adil materi dan ruhi. Begitu juga halnya dengan larangan menikahi perempuan musyrikat, ia meyakini mafsadat yang akan muncul lebih besar, yaitu kemurtadan dan kekafiran. Namun ia membolehkan nikah kitabiyat secara mutlak. Masuk dalam kategori kitabiyat menurutnya perempuan Hindu, Budha dan sejenisnya.Keywords: interfaith marriage, poligamy, Hasbi Al-Shidiqy, and Modernist Islam
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 47, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v47i1.1068


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to prove whether there is an influence of religiosity, social care, and income on interest in tithing through BAZNAS and to prove the knowledge’s role of zakat as an intervening variable. This research was conducted on Bogor City residents who pay Zakat Maal and Zakat Fitrah at BAZNAS Bogor City. This research used a mixed method and used questionnaires and interviews as the data collection. By using SEM-PLS as data processing, the results showed that religiosity and income variables had no effect while social care and knowledge of zakat had an influence on interest in zakat through BAZNAS, and knowledge of zakat could mediate the effect of social concern and income but it could not mediate the effect of religiosity interest in zakat through BAZNAS. The quantitative data is supported by the results of interviews with two informants.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini guna membuktikan apakah terdapat pengaruh religiusitas, kepedulian sosial, dan pendapatan terhadap minat dalam berzakat melalui BAZNAS serta membuktikan peran pengetahuan zakat sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada masyarakat Bogor yang membayar Zakat Mal dan Fitrah di BAZNAS Kota Bogor. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method) dengan penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Dengan menggunakan SEM-PLS sebagai olah data, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel religiuisitas, kepedulian sosial dan pendapatan tidak memiliki pengaruh sedangkan variabel pengetahuan zakat memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat berzakat melalui BAZNAS, serta pengetahuan zakat dapat memediasi pengaruh kepedulian sosial dan pendapatan namun tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh religiusitas terhadap minat zakat melalui BAZNAS.Keywords: religiosity, social care, income, zakat knowledge, SEM-PLS.

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